Converse and Cook is about creating social spaces where individuals are empowered to explore their connection to food and their community by creating meals and dining together.
About Us

About Us

Converse and Cook is a non-profit organization located in Edmonton, Alberta, CRA number is 725856488RC0001, founded by Juanita Gnanapragasam and Mishma Mukith, both alumni from the University of Alberta,  as a way to get people in our community more engaged with the food that they eat and with each other. We are a non-partisan organization, and our programming is open to all, no matter their identity or skill level.

Above- Mishma and Juanita

Food is much more than a nutritious substance, it connects us with each other, ourselves, and the world around us. Just think about how many of your favourite holidays, experiences, and even knowledge about the world is tied to food?

Recognizing that food is a gateway to building bridges in our community, we started ‘Converse and Cook’ to help alleviate barriers people have to finding culturally relevant and nutritious foods. Some of our programming includes running grocery busses, cooking classes, and creating resources on food safety and preparation. Throughout all the programming we run, we encourage people to talk and get to know each other. In fact, ask any of our participants because they’ll tell you that’s the best part of our work!

Together with volunteers and various support from other non-profits and organizations, we are reducing barriers to culturally nutritious meals and helping people become more connected to food.

people eating

We’ve had the incredible honour of working with some amazing volunteers over the year. Pictured above are some of our volunteers who were instrumental to who Converse and Cook is today: Anissa Armet, Bryce Odell, Eilysh Zurock, Elham Zohari, Fairhurst Lyons, Kim Ho, Mahsa Mohseni, Melinda Coetzee, Pamela Young, Paritosh Goyal, Simran Pherwani, Alex Parker, Charlotte Wray, Emily Marriott, Hyejun Kim, Satyaswarupa Kuchimanchi, Kevin and our University of Alberta Community Service Learning Students.

Unfortunately, we are not accepting new volunteers at this time.

Converse and Cook would also like to thank Breanna Weseen, who helped shape our initial cooking class programming.

Who’s on Our Team?

Our volunteers have diverse skill sets and identities. We’ve listed some of them below so you get a sense of the breadth and diversity of programming opportunities we can offer:

Get in Touch 

To learn more about the programs we offer, click here. If you work with an organization or a group of youth/adults who could benefit from any of our programs, please get in touch by emailing us at We’d be happy to run some programming for you. In addition, we sometimes have funding to cover costs for cooking socials.

Sponsorship and Partnership

Interested in sponsoring future programming? Click here to read more about our past sponsors.

If you’re interested in partnering with us or having us deliver programs to your community members or organizations, please click here for more details.