Converse and Cook is about creating social spaces where individuals are empowered to explore their connection to food and their community by creating meals and dining together.
A new partnership with the Campus Food Bank+our logo
A new partnership with the Campus Food Bank+our logo

A new partnership with the Campus Food Bank+our logo

As Converse and Cook started to take off we realized that there was a huge need for this type of programming in the City of Edmonton and beyond. In order to grow Converse and Cook to various communities outside the University of Alberta that meant that we needed to transition the programming to someone on campus who could run the programming indefinitely.

CFB Logo

The Campus Food Bank ( stepped up and offered to fund grocery buses and cooking classes for the 2018-2019 academic year while providing much needed volunteer support.  The long term vision is for this programming at the University of Alberta to be run by the Campus Food Bank with Converse and Cook helping out as needed 🙂


Also we made a logo (though we’re always opened to refining it down the road)

Converse and Cook Logo